I can hardly believe this myself, but I've now got my Tyros2 sounding really good (at least to my ears) going out Tyros2's single 1/4" L/L+R output jack to a single PA mono speaker.
When I owned a Yamaha PSR2000, and then a Tyros1, I had performed numerous listening tests to confirm that 'stereo phase cancellation' severely compromised stereo voices when mixed to mono on output. This resulted in a very unpleasant tinny harsh sound, especially with Yamaha's 'stereo sampled' Grand Piano voice. Until now, I had assumed Tyros2 would yield the same result , so never bothered to test it again when I upgraded to Tyros2.
The other day, I received a collection of new Tyros2 custom piano voices from a friend to check out, so on a fluke, decided to see how they would sound going out mono to a single PA speaker (EV SxA100). Though most of the custom piano voices sounded lackluster, a couple of them sounded quite impressive (albeit mono), with full presence and body. I then selected the Tyros2 preset stereo sampled "Grand Piano" voice directly from the T2's Piano Voice Bank button. Though not as impressive as the new custom voice I had previously auditioned, it still sounded fairly decent, but dry (lacking reverb efx). Once I spiced it up with reverb, chorus, and a little DSP (Plate1) even the stereo sample "Grand Piano" sounds pleasant going out mono. Interestingly enough, I remember performing this SAME test on my PSR2000's & Tyros1's "Grand Piano" voice, but only got bad results. I'm convinced now that Yamaha may have now (on Tyros2) modified it's stereo sampled effects circuitry to perhaps eliminate (or reduce) the effects of phase cancellation when going out mono. Though I continue to appreciate going out stereo, especially for larger venues which benefit from the wider disperation of sound 2 speakers provide, for small to mid-sized rooms where 1 speaker will suffice, the big advantage of quicker transport and setup time is appreciated, with the audience continuing to hear an impressive sound without the stereo to mono problems I once experienced.
On top of this, my one only obstacle I had with going to a Bose PAS (except for coming up with the cash to buy one) has now been eliminated, so when I upgrade my PA system, I'm definitely going to seriously consider the Bose PAS system now. For now though, my ol EV SxA100 PA system (with option of utilizing one or two speakers) continues to do the job. In addition, with the option of my ultra portable lightweight Yamaha TRS-MS02 subwoofer with Bose 161's which snap mount atop the Tyros2 alone for the smallest venues, and/or in conjunction with one or both of my EV Sxa100 speakers, I've now got all my gig venue options covered for now.
Ok gang. Anyone interested in purchasing my
Motion Sound KB100S ? Make an offer. All half way reasonable offers accepted.
